How to Start Boxing Workouts at Home

boxing workouts at home

Boxing workouts burn up to 800 calories per hour. You’ll also be using most of your major muscle groups, increasing strength, endurance, and power with each session. Clearly, boxing is a great choice for getting in shape and toning your body. It could help you lose weight as well. 

But what if you don’t want to work out in the gym? Or there isn’t a boxing ring close to your home? The good news is that you don’t have to leave your house to get effective results. Learning how to start boxing workouts at home will provide the same benefits. Ready to get started? Keep reading to find out what you need to know. 

Start Slow

If you have experience with boxing, chances are you are well equipped to give it a go at home. However, if you’re new to the sport, it’s best to start slow and build on your skills as you go. If you jump right into an advanced boxing workout, you increase the risk of getting hurt. That can sideline you and keep you from sticking with the sport. 

Instead, start with shorter, lower-intensity sessions as you learn the techniques and the skills necessary to get a good boxing workout. A few sessions with a professional is an easy way to get started so that you are confident enough to keep going on your own. 

Learn the Techniques

Becoming familiar with the basic boxing techniques sets you up for getting an effective workout. It also gives you the skills you need to advance in the sport and improve with each session.

Shadow boxing doesn’t require any equipment and gives you the chance to hone your skills. It involves punching the air as you learn the various moves. Stand in front of a mirror so you can keep an eye on your form. Your wrists should be facing inward and close to your chin. Your stance is also important for getting the techniques right, but also for lowering the risk of getting hurt. Your non-dominant foot should be to the front. So if you’re right-handed, that would be your left foot.

In addition, your lead hand needs to remain at eye level and your feet shouldn’t be too close together or too far apart. Shoulder width apart is the ideal stance. You’ll keep your forearms close to your body. In a real boxing match, that will help you protect your chest. Keep your knees and hips bent just slightly so you can spar appropriately. 

Learning offensive and defensive techniques is also an important part of how to learn boxing at home. That includes hooks, jabs, a cross punch, and an uppercut on the offense. 

Defensive moves include bobbing, slipping, and weaving. Practice these moves on your own without any equipment to get started. You can add equipment down the road when you have the techniques down. 

Choose the Right Equipment

As mentioned above, you can learn to box at home without any equipment. However, as you progress in the sport, you’re going to get more out of it by using a bag and gloves. 

One of the most important pieces of boxing equipment is a heavy bag. This allows you to practice at home anytime you want to. The average heavy bag weighs about 70 pounds. A heavier bag won’t swing as much when you punch it. While you can choose one that is canvas or leather, vinyl heavy bags tend to withstand repeated use for many years. You can choose from a freestanding punching bag or one that is anchored to the ceiling. 

Boxing gloves are another vital component of a boxing workout. Lightweight training gloves are the best choice for beginners. As you get better at the sport, you can move on to wearing sparring gloves when you box.

Drako Heavy Bag Gloves - NRX-2 Ballistic Orange

You’ll also need a pair of hand wraps to add additional protection to the bones in your hands. They also protect your knuckles and reduce the risk of a strain or sprain in your wrist. There is a range of options when it comes to hand wraps. Your best bet is to try a few of them to find out which one works best for you. 

Beginning boxers might also want to wear boxing shoes. However, most boxers go barefoot so the choice is up to you. 

When you spar with another person, you should also wear headgear and a mouthguard. These items protect your face and head from an injury, so be sure you choose ones that fit well and are made from quality materials. In the ring, you might also want to wear groin and chest protectors. 

Boxing Workouts for Beginners

Now that you know what you need and how to get started, you’re ready to create a boxing workout you can do at home. 

Using the basic boxing moves, you can combine them into an exercise session that builds your skills, while also burning calories and building muscle. The ideal boxing workout for a beginner should be at least 15 minutes. This gives you the chance to learn the skills without overdoing it. Each week, add a few more minutes to your routine until you reach 30 to 60 minutes. 

You can do a full-body boxing workout every other day, or focus on arms one day, and legs the next day. You should always allow 48 hours for muscles to repair and recover, so don’t do a full-body workout every day. Using weights and engaging in other forms of cardio also helps build muscle and endurance that translates into the ring. 

It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a new workout program. 

Taking the First Step

Now that you know how easy it is to start boxing workouts at home, chances are you’re ready to get started. Choose an area with ample space for movement and get going. The great thing about boxing is that it will transform your body, while also boosting confidence and self-esteem. 

When you’re ready to add the best equipment to your workouts, check out our full range of products and let us help you set up your ideal boxing space.