Bushido Interview with Box2Fit
Bushido had the pleasure of heading over to Box2Fit gym in Langley, BC. We got to see Frankie and his daughter Esmarelda in action – using some of our products.
Frankie runs this gym because it is his passion to better people’s lives. Frankie’s gym is open 24hr, which means you can go hit the bag and work out anytime you want. Box2Fit offers a wide variety of classes for all fitness levels and reasons. From cardio classes for an exciting workout – to a movement class for Parkinson’s Disease patients.
Box2Fit is a family-oriented, community environment. If you want to try something new – Box2Fit is the place to go!
We got Frankie and Esmarelda to review the Drako Products they used. Frankie’s favourite product was the NEW Drako Jungle Sparring Gloves.
Check out their interview below.