Bushido Pick of the Week
Hykso Punch Tracker HYKSO1
• The ultimate tool for trainers and fighters
The Hykso Punch Tracker app allows yourself, or your coach, to track your punching output in real-time. This helps the user view their daily, weekly and monthly progress.
• High tech punch tracking
Hykso Punch trackers capture your hands’ movement up to 1000 times per second. This detects the number, type of & velocity of all your punches.
• Live feedback during training
This app really separates itself from any other on the market, as the feedback you are getting is happening in real-time. This helps ensure you are meeting your goals every round during training.
• Review past workouts
A nice feature of this app is the ability to save prior workouts. This is a really cool tool, especially for coaches, as they can see if there is regression or progression in their athletes’ workouts, and adjust training methods accordingly.
• Know where you stand
Compare your speed, punch count & intensity with other members of your club, to better know your strengths and weaknesses. This is a great way for trainers and coaches to build interaction within the club in a fun way. You can run games and mini-competitions to see who is punching the hardest, the fastest or the most, in a certain time period.