The New Bushido Force

Welcome to the family! Bushido is proud to introduce our new sponsored taekwondo athletes!
Even though they are all in their teens/early 20’s, don’t be fooled as this group of young adults are a force to be reckoned with. Not only are they in school, living the everyday teenage life of friends and family, they are also training and competing in high intense competitions and travelling the world. With National, World and Pan-Am presence (just to name a few), their credentials and records speak for themselves and we couldn’t be happier in supporting them further in their martial arts dreams.
Get to know them more as they introduce themselves, their records and speak about their world of taekwondo. Stay tuned for more posts and updates! #bushidoathlete
Shane Britton
Age 20
I started taekwondo at the age of 5 for recreation because my dad wanted me to do some sort of daily exercise. Slowly after I got into sparring I got attached to the sport and the environment that I trained in as I got older. I really enjoy the atmosphere during big competitions and the excitement of competing against high level athletes. There isn’t much that I do outside of taekwondo aside from going to school part-time.
-58 kg Division
2013, 2014 National Team Member
2017 National Team for University Games in Taiwan
2018 Presidents Cup Silver, winning wild card for 2018 Pan-Am championships
Ashlyn Arnold
Age 18
I joined taekwondo at the age of four and started competing recreationally at the age of 7 in sparring. I later developed a  passion for the sport and wanted to become a high performance sparring athlete. I enjoy many things about the sport from the adrenaline of getting in the ring and fighting my best to travelling all over, visiting new cities and meeting new people. Outside of taekwondo I am currently attending Douglas College as a part time student in the sport Science Program.Â
I fight within the division -62, but have also competed at nationals and on national team in -67.
2011 National champion – cadet
2012 National silver medalist – cadet
2012 Canada open silver medalist – cadet
2013 National Champion – cadet
2013 Canada open Gold medalist – cadet
2013 US open bronze medalist – cadet
2013 Pan Am team member – cadet
2014 National bronze medalist – juniors
2014 Canada open bronze – juniors
2015 National silver medalist – juniors
2016 Canada open Gold medalist – juniors
2016 US open bronze medalist-juniors
2016 Pan Am open silver medalist – juniors
2016 National silver medalist – juniors
2016 presidents cup bronze – junior
2016 senior national team – Pan Ams
2017 senior national team- university games
2018 National Bronze Medallist- Senior
-67 Olympic rank – 114, -67 World rank – 107, -62 World rank – 134
Josipa Kafadar
Age 17
I started taekwondo at the age of 4, as a present for my birthday from my parents. From the start I loved every aspect of the sport. A year later, I started to compete in sparring. Having enjoyed that experience, I wanted to continue and do well. As of then, I set a goal to one day represent my country at big events such as: world championships and Olympic Games. In 2015, I attended my first international competition (2015 Canadian Open). After having won gold there, I knew I could do whatever I put my mind to. A year later, I qualified for the 2016 Junior World Championships that where held in my hometown. Having the luxury of my family, teammates and friends there cheering me on was what made the experience even more precious. Although I was upset with just missing the podium, I was glad that I had the supporting environment to get to the round of 8.
Outside of my taekwondo life, I have achieved high academic standings in the french immersion program throughout secondary school and I enjoy reading, listening/making music, and other sports (basketball, track & field).
-49kg Division
Currently Ranked Number 2 in the world on Taekwondo Data Youth Olympic Top Contender
2017 Pan-Am Champion
2017, 2016, 2015 National Team Member
2017 Top 8 at world championships
2017 Presidents Cup Gold
2017 US Open silver
2017 Costa Rica Open Gold
2017 Luxembourg Open Gold
2017 Austria Open Silver
2018 Ottawa Nationals (YOG) Gold
Sofie Nicholson
Age 16
I started Taekwondo at the age of 9 and joined the high performance Taekwondo team at Vortex Taekwondo when I was 12 years old. I enjoy Taekwondo because I love representing B.C. and Canada at all the amazing events I attend to around the world! I also like working towards my goals that I set and staying physically fit. Besides Taekwondo, I play basketball and volleyball on my high school sports team (Sullivan Heights Secondary) for the past 3 years. I also like to go to the gym and hang out with friends when I have time outside of my training schedule. Taekwondo is a huge part of my life and I can’t imagine what it’d be like without it.
-63Kg division and -59Kg divisionÂ
Currently Ranked number 1 in the world on Taekwondo Data in the -59Kg category. Youth Olympic Top Contender
2016Â National Bronze medalist
2016 Us Open Silver
2016 Presidents Cup Gold
2017 Luxembourg Open Silver
2017 Us Open Bronze
2017 Presidents Cup Gold
2017 National Team
2017 Pan-Am Champion
2018 US Open Bronze
2018 National Champion